Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Oh hey there

It appears as though I haven't written here since late June. My goodness, quite a bit has happened since then!

~ Got a job in medical communications (see ya later research science!)
~ Moved to NJ for said job
~ Boyfriend moved with me and got himself a job down here
~ Finally bring home a living wage
~ Went to a few Red Sox games
~ Spent a weekend in Baltimore
~ Spent a weekend in Philadelphia
~ Spent a couple of weekends back in Boston
~ Worked far less than ever before while accomplishing far more

What does all of this mean for you? Nothing really. But I do have entirely too much free time for knitting and dispensable cash for yarn stuffs so maybe it means actual posts in this here space. For those of you on ravelry, I'm slowly uploading projects in various states of undone and hopefully pictures will follow (not anytime soon since I get home long after night falls). For those of you not on ravelry, pictures will go up on flickr and maybe I'll get moving on updates here.

We shall see.